machine learning
artificial intelligence
social good
public interest
When I was looking to transition out of astronomy, my personal journey finding people and places that apply quantitative analytic methods to social problems was far from easy. Disciplinary bubbles, it turns out, are very hard to pop! I'll maintain this page as I continue to learn about exciting new initiatives and innovators, to serve as a resource for myself and others interested in pursuing interdisciplinary and socially-oriented questions.
If you are curious about this work but find this list overwhelming, please feel welcome to reach out and I'd be happy to elaborate about the people and places that I've cataloged here.
- ACLU National Data & Analytics Team
- ACLU Affiliate Chapters ( MA, Nor. CA, WA, MI).
- AI Now Institute
- Algorithmic Justice League
- Allied Media Corporation
- #BlackTechFutures Research Institute
- Business for Social Responsibility
- Center for Democracy and Technology
- Check My Ads
- Data & Society
- Data for Black Lives
- Digital Justice Lab
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Human Rights Data Analysis Group
- Impactful (job board, org directory, Slack community)
- MDF Technology Exchange Partners
- Media Democracy Fund (MDF)
- Metagovernance Project
- Movement Cooperative
- Mozilla Foundation
- Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network (NTEN)
- Open Technology Fund
- United States Digital Service
- Upturn
- 80,000 Hours
Academic Groups
- Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (Harvard)
- Technology and Social Change Research Project (Harvard)
- MIT Media Lab
- Georgetown Center on Privacy & Technology
- Mechanism Design for Social Good (MD4SG)
- MIT Institute for Data, Systems, & Society (IDSS)
- Harvard Center for Research on Computation & Society (CRCS)
- UC Berkeley I School
- Stanford Public Interest Technology (PIT) Lab
- University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI)
- Oxford Internet Institute
- Center for Critical Race & Digital Studies
- Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing (Michigan)
- Rediet Abebe - professor researching equity in algorithms; co-founder of MD4SG
- Ruha Benjamin - African American Studies professor researching technology and race/gender
- Joy Buolamwini - scholar and activist against algorithmic bias
- Dana Chisnell - civic design researcher
- Amanda Cox - data editor at NYT
- Kade Crockford - advocate for civil & digital rights
- Catherine D'Ignazio & Lauren Klein - authors of the book Data Feminism
- Jeff Doctor - indigenous technology strategist
- Joan Donovan - scholar of media, technology, and misinformation
- Daniel Greene - professor studying work, technology, and society
- Narda Jones - FCC Chief of Staff, broadband advocate
- Momin Malik - social scientist of data science (& vice versa)
- Deirdre Mulligan - professor studying values in tech law & policy
- Mutale Nkonde - scholar of race, technology, and policy
- Safiya Noble - professor studying racist and sexist algorithms
- Emma Pierson - computer scientist studying inequality (e.g., COVID-19, policing) & women's health
- Rashida Richardson - policy researcher around civil rights, tech, policy, and law
- Greg Ridgeway - professor of statistics & criminology
- Niloufar Salehi - professor studying social computing systems
- Christian Sandvig - professor of algorithms, social media, & society
- Sarita Schoenebeck - professor studying social media and social computing
- Latanya Sweeney - professor addressing societal problems with tech
- Milind Tambe - professor of computer science and director of Harvard CRCS
- Şerife Wong - Turkish-Hawaiian artist exploring the societal implications of AI
- Tom Zick - scholar of tech governance and AI law/policy
- Mozilla Fest
- RightsCon
- ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT)
- Internet Freedom Festival
- Allied Media Conference
- Georgia Tech Data Science for Social Good Workshop
- LibrePlanet Conference
- Society for the Social Studies of Science Conference
- ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
- ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW)
- Conference for Research on Equitable and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT)
Job Boards & Lists
- All Tech is Human Responsible Tech Job Board - many helpful filters
- Berkman Klein Buzz Newsletter - weekly news & opportunities
- Business & Human Rights' Group Monthly Digital Rights Careers Newsletter (wowza!)
- Digital Rights Job Board
- Public Interest Technology University Network's Fellowship Database
- Public Interest Technology University Network's Job Board Database - a board of boards
- Public Sphere Project's List of 75+ Orgs & Groups
- MIT Solver
- Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society Fellowship
- Data & Society Fellowship
- Mozilla Fellowship
- U Chicago's Data Science for Social Good (DSSG) Summer Fellowship
- Ford Foundation Technology Fellowship
- Union of Concerned Scientists' Science for Public Good Fund
- Tech Congress
- Coding it Forward Fellowships (students only)
- Stanford Race & Tech Practitioner Fellowship
- Take Back Tech Fellowship
- U.S. Presidential Innovation Fellowship
- Technology & Public Purpose Fellowship
- Princeton Center for Information Technology Policy Fellowship
- Data Science for the Public Good (DSPG) Young Scholars Program at the UVA Biocomplexity Institute (college students)
- U.S. Digital Corps
- Indigenous Futures Institute
- Outreachy Internships for diversity in open source
- UC Berkeley Tech Policy Fellowship